Category Archives: News

Sound Devices

The movements Landing and Exploration of my piece Caladan are going to be presented at the next edition of Sound Devices in Dublin, Ireland.

Sound Devices is an exciting new way for both artists and audiences to explore the connection between sound, acousmatic music and literature.

in celebration of historical Rathmines Library’s 100th anniversary, a series of monthly events in the form of imaginative journeys through sound is curated by sound artist La Cosa Preziosa.

The event is scheduled for 28th February at 6.30pm.


Here is the podcast concerning this edition:



My Piece Caladan is going to be performed as a permanent sound-installation at this year’s edition of the annual Ruhrpuls-Festival in Bochum, Germany (10/02/12 – 10/06/12).

The festival is a great mixture of visual and sonic art, live-music and different parties.  Anyone in and around the Ruhr-Area shouldn’t miss that!

Monday Sounds – Facebook Page

If you like, like the new Facebook Page of the Monday Sounds.
You find it here.

Monday Sounds is a project, I started in March 2011.
With this project, I want to put the audible world in the front of the perception.
Each monday, I’m going to upload one special sound from the “real-world”. I’m searching for sonic snippets, that seem worth listening to. If you like what you hear, feel free to download the sounds in the week of their appearance!

You can also visit Monday Sounds on Soundcloud


Linux Audio Conference 2012

I’m glad to announce, that my piece Caladan was selected for a concert performance at this years edition of the Linux Audio Conference (April 12-15, 2012). The conference is hosted by the CCRMA (Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics) of the Stanford University in California, USA.

The Linux Audio Conference is the international conference about Open Source Software for music, sound and other media with Linux as the main platform. 2012 marks the 10th anniversary of the event and it is the first time the LAC takes place in the United States. It brings together musicians, composers, sound artists, software developers, researchers and engineers working with Linux and other Open Source Software as an open, stable, professional platform for audio and media research and music production.




At an unknown time,
in an undated year,
a no further defined species encounters an undiscovered planet.

Electroacoustic Audio-Fiction in three movements

1. Landing (3' 51'')  [audio:]
2. Exploration (2' 40'') [audio:]
 3. Encounter (5' 07'') [audio:]