The DEGEM CD “Grenzen” (“Borders”) is out now!
It is published by the Edition DEGEM and can be ordered here. The CD is curated by my person and consists of ten new written pieces, all to the topic “borders”.

01] Golla & Heyduck:
[02] Arsalan Abedian:
Cstück Nr.2
[03] Hanns Holger Rutz:
[04] Gerald Fiebig:
Cross Talk
[05] Marc Behrens:
To Break an Elephant’s Leg
[06] Peter Eisold:
Borderline Syndrom
[07] Brian Smith:
Interstitial Flux
[08] Denise Ritter:
Hölleneingang a, b, c bis z (radio edit)
[09] Kai Niggemann:
Electric Canopy
[10] CLUBbleu: